Saturday, April 19, 2014


Here's something that was needed. ABS brakes will allow for more stopping power on the 2014 model.

Gear View

The 2014 model lets you view which gear you're on...We think this is useful regardless if you're an amateur or pro.

2014 Colors

Here are the four color options available for the 883 iron. We'll stick to the matte black and

Nice side view...

Some people think the chrome pipes go against the basic design of the bike...what do you think?

Here's a closeup on the front of the bike...We like the minimalistic, no bull, straight forward instruments... Only what you need. Sometimes less is more...

Best helmet we've found for this bike:

Rear view...

One of the three available colors for the 2014 model line-up: Which one's your favorite?

Best compilation of H-D 883 Iron pics and information...Here we go: